If the need arises for soil and/or groundwater remediation, WjF employs cost-effective, innovative remedial technologies to address your situation. WjF works with experienced general contractors when excavation is necessary and has strong business relationships with suppliers and other environmental / general contractors when in-situ treatment is the selected remedial alternative.
WjF has the personnel, equipment and experience to conduct in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) / remedial additive applications, sometimes acting as a subcontractor to larger environmental / engineering firms. Our role in working with these reputable firms ranges from providing direct oversight to conducting the application / injection. WjF has worked with Response Environmental, Inc. (REI), Hillmann Consulting, Inc., and Regenesis, to name a few.
Most common sites involve releases of petroleum derivatives, usually heating oil or gasoline, but other site cleanups have included:
Chlorinated Solvents
WjF has employed a variety of methods to cleanup contamination, based on site conditions and limitations. Examples include:
Remedial Additives / Chemical Injection & Application
LNAPL / Groundwater recovery, removal and treatment